21 thoughts on “Answering Your Most Pressing Questions: the Fifth

  1. I-I really do not have any issues with Jacob Isaac’s IDKWTF… loincloththing. ::fans self::
    #wtfbbq, #brainaasplody, #needmoarcoffeetokickstartbrain

    1. So far as I can see, he seems to be wearing perfectly correct early medieval braes – that is, an item of clothing where each leg was separate and tied up at the waist (Presumably so one didn’t have to worry about hauling your trousers down at short notice).

      I’m not sure if it was an aristocratic style, but it’s certainly a Medieval one.

  2. Boring answer to the diaper thing, maybe,but might they be trying to work out references to diaper as in the diaper check pattern or diapering?

  3. Re: the comments on the Princes in the Tower, Margaret Beaufort wasn’t their grandmother. Their two grandmothers were Cecily Neville, mother of Edward IV, and Jacquetta of Luxembourg, mother of Elizabeth Woodville.

    Margaret was the grandmother of the next generation of English Princes and Princesses, the children of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, so the wires probably got crossed through that.

  4. The lighthearted and fun vibe of The Royal Tailor did not prepare for how much I was going to be crying by the end of it. A roller coaster of emotions and I enjoyed every second of it.

    Also, I feel like Jason Isaacs doesn’t get enough fanfare for how darn sexy he is.

      1. ^^THIS…Jason Isaacs is always hot…even when in need of a good washing…especially with long hair… FANS SELF!!!

  5. I’d probably describe Margaret Dumont as more of an apple than a pear, but the black and white era wasn’t a great time to be pear-shaped. In the teens and twenties the drapery of the fashions tended to hide whatever hips you did have, and the trend was to get skinnier as the decade went on. In the thirties you start to see some fatter women in films, but I think the preferred silhouette was more the apple than the pear. (Or hourglass, as with Mae West.)

    That said, other than the bathing beauties of the day, it can be hard to accurately classify a woman’s figure type in that period, because the corsetry of the day tended to squash your figure into the fashionable type of the year. Compare Renee Carl’s figure in Une Dame Vraiment Bien (1908) and Fantomas (1913) for example.

    But insofar as such women were on screen, the best place to look for them is probably in the Hal Roach comedies. Roach tended to cast people of contrasting appearance (such as Laurel and Hardy) so those films always had different body types to look at. Kay Deslys appeared in a few movies with L&H, including Their Purple Moment and We Faw Down. She was also in Chaplin’s The Gold Rush. Mae Busch was another of L&H’s sparring partners. Among the Mack Sennett girls, the ones who stand out to me as particularly pear-shaped are Thelma Hill and Elsie Tarron. Hill also played with L&H in Two Tars.

    A couple of other actresses who played Dumont-type roles were Ellinor Vanderveer, who is best known as the woman who gets hit in the lorgnette with a pie in Battle of the Century, and Clara Kimball Young, who was a leading lady in the silent period but appeared with the Three Stooges in Ants in the Pantry.

  6. Has F.F. ever devoted a day to Tudor sleeves? I only learned within the last 10 years that court sleeves were so valuable, such works of art, that one of H8’s queens (Catherine Parr?) inherited a set of her predecessor’s sleeves: a rather creepy legacy under the circumstances, but they cost a bunch of pounds.

  7. Phantom Thread is another great film for tailoring (or maybe dress making would be the right term?).

      1. Love it! This post was fantastic and made me laugh so hard enjoying my morning coffee at work. Great job as always.

  8. Wait wait wait wait…
    Margaret Beaufort was NOT THE GRANDMOTHER of the princes in the Tower, right???
    So whether she was pretty into her family or not, makes no difference in the murder matter… She was not related to them. Moreover, she and her son Henry VII did have a lot to gain from the death of the princes, especially if they could make Richard III appear the guilty one. This way it was much easier for Henry to gain support and then the throne. And it is not just PG who spreads this theory, there is a huge Yorkist/Richard III apologist history community, PG just probably saw this thing going on and hopped on the hype train.
    (I myself also don’t think it was Margaret, it was probably Richard. But she did have motive.)
    Btw, is it not ambiguous in the tv series The White Queen who killed the boys? I saw it a long time ago but I kinda remember it seemed unclear whose order was carried out, Anne Neville’s, Richard’s, or Margaret’s.

  9. Apropos of Very Little, that picture of Dame Helen and Mr Neeson from EXCALIBUR always makes me think of Zeus and Hera (Sadly CLASH OF THE TITANS 2010 cast a Hera who was most definately not Dame Helen, thereby confirming that film was most definitely not the best possible version of itself*).

    *It had Mr Alexander Siddig as Hermes and he doesn’t get to do anything!

  10. Oh, soooo much to say here! I didn’t know how much I NEEDED this post! Thank you! Films with tailoring: A. TIMOTHY DALTON is not weird. He is WONDERFUL!!!! B. How have I JUST learned that Vincent Perez was in a French-language 2000 version of The Libertine. Yay to his butt and all is parts–Ditto re his hot love scene in Queen Margot!!! C. I unabashedly and unironically love Braveheart, regardless of its demerits!! D. Thank you for explaining what a chatelaine is. Now I have to listen again to kd lang’s song, “Miss Chatelaine.” E. I LOVE to see House of Elliott get love. I would also add these films, with the caveat that I can’t remember if there are scenes of tailoring, but the characters definitely are tailors; Benoit Magimel’s character in “For A Woman” and the white father character in Wondrous Oblivion. THANKS FOR THIS POST!

    1. If I had bothered to doublecheck above, “Films with tailoring:…” Would go under the non-existent point F!! WTF

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