Who loves Amanda Hale as much as I do? She doesn’t have a huge...
Bright Star (2009)
This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent the decade...
One of our favorite past times here at Frock Flicks HQ is to take...
Before World War II, hats were an essential part of western fashion for both...
He’s played gadget guru “Q” in the past three Bond movies, and he’s been...
Director / writer / producer Jane Campion’s last film before the recently lauded The...
Hat tip to reader Sarah B., who alerted us to the passing of amazingly...
All of us who write for Frock Flicks also sew, and we know that...
Someone (ehem, Kendra) is kind of obsessed with puppies in historical costume movies and...
Very well made Jane Campion film about Fanny Brawne, lover of poet John Keats. ...