Trystan already did a detailed review on Firebrand (2023), the Queen Katherine Parr-focused film that...
Kendra has been a fixture in the online costuming world since the late 1990s. Her website, Démodé Couture, is one of the most well-known online resources for historical costumers. In the summer of 2014, she published a book on 18th-century wig and hair styling. Kendra is a librarian at a university, specializing in history and fashion. She’s also an academic, with several articles on fashion history published in research journals, and a book on turquerie in 18th century fashion released in 2023.
English author Jane Austen (1775-1815) is a huge part of the frock flicks canon....
We’ve discussed Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from...
Scottish actor Robert Carlyle NEEDS to be in more frock flicks! Because he’s talented,...
English actress Anna Massey (1937-2011) turns up in so many British frock flicks of...
You may not think you know English actor John Wood (1930-2011), but before his...
The Flood (2024), aka Le Déluge, is opening in late December in France. It tells...
King Richard I of England, frequently nicknamed “Richard the Lionheart,” ruled England from 1189-99....
Last year, for Snark Week, I suffered through season one of Netflix’s The Empress (2022-),...
Steven Waddington is a British actor who frequently plays supporting parts in frock flicks,...