2 thoughts on “TBT: The Forsyte Saga & To Let (2002-03)

  1. I remember watching the BBC 1967 version in B/W when I was a tween/teen. Pity that one isn’t streaming – great cast, Eric Porter, Susan Hampshire, Michael York, Margaret Tyzack. But probably not the best choice for frock review.

  2. Saw the original B&W version in the recent past, and though the staging is flat and the aging makeup horrid, it holds up as drama w a great cast and great performances.
    In the 21st c remake Damien Lewis is a chilling Soames, but the ‘To let’ was a letdown.
    From what I’ve read they are making character changes – Irene a dancer? In the latest version. Why???

    I did hear, ages ago, that some of the costumes in the early version were actual 19thc dresses, but I’ve no proof. It has the looks of a 1970s BBC production.

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