With a new adaptation announced as coming to PBS and causing much consternation, claiming...
Rupert Graves
Lest you think I hated literally every second of the The White Queen (2013),...
Ugh. The White Queen (2013) getting to be quite the slog. Like I mentioned...
I’m a little surprised that William Shakespeare hasn’t been a big subject for biopics....
Obviously, I’m not going to cover every person who has ever appeared in a...
I loved The Last King (2003), also known as Charles II: The Power and The Passion, when...
I loved The Last King (2003), also known as Charles II: The Power and The Passion, when...
Is A Room With a View (1986) the best costume movie of all time? There’s...
I loved The Last King (2003), also known as Charles II: The Power and The Passion, when...
Anne Brontë’s novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, published in 1848, was underrated at...