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Several years ago, I let you in on the behind-the-scenes convo that happens as we run this here blog: The three of us use a secret Facebook group to keep ourselves organized, and while no, you can’t join, I thought I’d let you in on some of the fun behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on at Frock Flicks headquarters. So without further ado, in addition to lots of boring stuff, here’s what we do behind the scenes…
Well, the hilarity continued, and continues to continue, and I thought it was time to update you!
Your Crazy Searches

Letters We Get Letters

Whining About Doing Our Jobs

Sometimes You Irritate Us

Inspiring/Bugging Each Other to Write Content (aka Continue the Snark)

(Occasionally) Mocking Our Readers

And Yes, Mocking Each Other

Patting Ourselves on the Back for Being Hilarious and/or Fabulous

Patting Our Readers on the Back for the Same

Getting Inappropriate

Thanks for participating, we (mostly) love you!
I love me a Venn Diagram! Thanks for another great Snark Week, ladies! I’m just sad that it’s almost over. (Sad Trombone)
I love behind the scenes posts! Seeing your comments on the trolls makes me lol
Now I wanna see all your behind the scenes for this weeks “Clutching of the Pearls” over your OBVIOUS DISRESPECT TO THE MILITARY (please note the heavy sarcasm here and for any troll, I come from a very military family and don’t fault anyone not liking the heavy testosterone fest most military movies end up being)
I didn’t comment because your firewall doesn’t seem to like me this week. lol (trying again)
Heh, fodder for yet another installment of this series, for sure!
(And bummer about the firewall — I keep trying to get adjustments to it but seems like it’s an all or nothing thing, ugh.)
I think it’s personal because I like 2005 P&P.
Y’all are like, anyone who likes that movie can’t comment, and are just using “The Hack” as a convenient excuse. 😉
It’s time to fess up. 😂
Also, people disguise their IP address to comment on a BLOG?!? Good grief Charlie Brown, that’s dedication.
I am WAAAYYYYY too lazy to go to such lengths. 😂