Obviously, I’m not going to cover every person who has ever appeared in a tuxedo on film, because that would be literal madness, take me weeks to compile, and bore everyone to tears. Instead, I’m going to feature my favorite shortlist of tuxedo into a work of art in a wide range of historical flicks!

Richard Armitage in North & South (2004)

Rupert Graves in The Forsyte Saga (2002-2003)

Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic (1997)

All of these guys from Downton Abbey

Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in Jeeves & Wooster (1990-1993)

Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria (1982)

Do you have a favorite frock flick tuxedo? Share it with us in the comments!
Aren’t most of these full evening dress (white tie and tails) rather than the less formal dinner jacket (also called tuxedo)? They are all nice anyway!
But only two of these – Gatsby and Jeeves & Wooster – show tuxedos (or dinner jackets, on this side of the Pond)! All the other stills are of people in white tie and tails, which is an entirely different order of dress.
No Marlene Dietrich?
I think Morocco (1930), where she most famously wore a tux in a film, was set in the late ’20s / 1930, so it doesn’t really count as a historical costume movie.
Oh, lord, yes! No one wore a tuxedo as well as Marlene. And I agree with Michael about the historical timeline.
Agreed with Marlene. Every time I think of her in a tuxedo, I drool inside.
I would argue that by default any movie made before, say, 1940 is a costume movie. Which means most of them are probably historically accurate — unless they’re set in another historical period, then they’re fair game.
Nope – we’ve addressed this in our FAQ before — https://frockflicks.com/what-is-historical-costume-movie-tv-show/
Frock Flicks came about because we wanted to look at how historically accurate costumes are in film/TV. That rules out any productions set in their contemporary era because those are not historical costumes. There’s no challenge to “recreate” 1930s clothing when you made a film in the 1930s — but when you’re making a film in the 2010s & set a story in the 1930s, there’s a question of accuracy.
Thank you! Somehow, Michael seems to have missed the point entirely, so I’m glad you explained what this site is about.
Julie Andrews, practically perfect in every way! End of story.
Yes! Please do write a WCW for dear Julie and I can’t wait for the review of Victor Victoria, such a fun film with a few delicious costumes.
Very much there for a review of Victor Victoria, my favourite movie!
Is it weird that I know exactly which episode of Downtown Abbey that pic is from?
Nope👍🏻 🤣. You are not “weird” or alone…I knew as well ✌🏻😁
Please when reviewing Victor/Victoria do not forget to mention how fabulous James!Garner!, Robert!Preston!, and Alex!Karras! were costumed in White Tie/Tuxedos. Not to mention their fabulosity period, along with the performance of Lesley Ann Warren. Thank you.
Whatever Daniel Day Lewis was wearing in The Age of Innocence. HELL YES to that!! And also, just HELL YES to Daniel Day Lewis.
Ah Richard Armitage. I don’t care if its a real tux or not, I just like seeing him.