Before World War II, hats were an essential part of western fashion for both...
Titanic (1997)
Obviously, I’m not going to cover every person who has ever appeared in a...
While many of her roles capitalized on her striking looks and figure, Catherine Zeta-Jones...
Welsh actor Ioan Gruffudd has been a mainstay of historical dramas for the last...
So I was noodling around YouTube as one does, and I discovered that Glamour...
Just a few of the historical costume movie and TV appearances that make her...
Y’all know I loves me some redheads! You may know her as Lily Potter...
This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
In honor of Valentine’s Day, which you may or may not hate with the...
The 1910s is a fascinating era to me, fashion-wise. It’s right in the middle...