My Brilliant Career (1979), the adaptation of the 1901 autobiography by Australian writer Miles...
Nicole Kidman is a superstar with roots in frock flicks. She’s traditionally beautiful and...
Charlotte Rampling is a British actress who was an icon of the 1960s and...
Sure, she’s Phryne Fisher to everyone now, but Essie Davis has shown up in...
For the infinite fans of Miss Fisher who are still waiting for the big-screen...
I don’t know if I find Sam Neill HOT per se, but I do...
Yep, it’s another remake — or reboot, or whatever, argue amongst yourselves about the...
Seeing Greta Scacchi pop up in a small part in series 2 of Versailles reminded...
Say what you will, I love Judy Davis. Yes, I’ve heard the horror stories...
Hat tip to reader Sarah B., who alerted us to the passing of amazingly...