9 thoughts on “MCM: Gabriel Byrne

  1. That’s funny about hens. In British English a hen thinking of laying an egg is ‘broody’, not ‘brooding’, so in Britain the phrase just doesn’t bring that image to anyone’s mind at all.

    1. I suspect he’s taking the mickey – I.E. making a joke, rather than a serious observation – with that little remark.

      Well, making a serious point in a humorous way: clearly he’d prefer to be known as ‘dark and saturnine’ or ‘black Irish’ or just ‘Gabe’.

  2. There have been lit-crit complaints about Jo’s having to marry a kind, nonsexy daddy figure; Gabriel Byrne was the perfect actor to subtly hot up Prof. Bhaer.

  3. As an 11-year-old in 1994, I didn’t get why Jo chose Friedrich over Laurie. As an adult, I get it. He was also great in Man With the Iron Mask.

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