This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
Madeline Fontaine
Meh, yet another “aging Casanova meets his one true love who just happens to...
… as much as these stills made me think I would. Delicious (2021) is another...
French costume designer Madeline Fontaine has done some truly amazing work (A Very Long...
As you might guess, I have a LOT of thoughts about the plot and...
I never would have heard of A Woman’s Life (2016) if not for British Airways...
The 1910s is a fascinating era to me, fashion-wise. It’s right in the middle...
The first season of Versailles finished airing on Ovation last weekend, and it’s headed...
If you’re watching Versailles, the BBC series set at the late-17th-century court of Louis XIV...
We’ve been eagerly awaiting the U.S. premiere of the TV series Versailles pretty much...