6 thoughts on “SNARK WEEK: Fanfan la Tulipe (2003)

  1. My main association for Vincent Perez is the first of many terrible Crow sequels where he mainly wears a cropped leather vest and I desperately wanted to dress like Mia Kirshner as Sarah. The dresses in Fanfan look pretty if inaccurate and I do love some swashbuckling so I might have to check this one out.

  2. Wow. Just wow. Re: uniforms. The extant mid-18th century uniforms I’ve seen in the military museum at Les Invalides are navy and ivory. Why the designer decided to go for aqua, no clue. I also did a quick search with Monsieur Google, and I see primary colors. Navy, ivory, red in some cases. As far as Pompadour and Henriette – the costumes seem to be inspired by Lacroix or bespoke London designer Basia Zarzycka. I almost feel like Pompadour’s underwear as outerwear could have been featured in an Adam Ant video. A number of the people (Louis XV included) look as if they could have stepped out of the Fêtes Gallantes that they do at Versailles these days. OTT, and not always in a good way.

  3. Ah Fanfan… remember being the first time I left the movie theatre before the end of the movie because it was so bad…
    The 1952 version is much more charming and was trying to evoke the « wars in lace » as we say in French about the 18th Century wars.

  4. Good lord, THE PLUMES!!!!!
    I had one of those moments where you crack up laughing so hard at something and you just can’t stop. Not only was I crying with mirth at those enormous plumes on Louis (I needed to dig out a hankie…), but I actually laughed so hard and so long I triggered an asthma attack and needed to find my inhaler. Legit, I was laughing that hard.

    And when my wife asked what was so funny and I tried to explain it to them, they looked at me as if I had grown a second head.


    Also, as a sometime student of military history I took one look at the first picture of Our Hero in … for want of a more polite word ‘uniform’ … and thought “This young officer should be cashiered from his regiment, then handed over to the Fashion Gendarmerie for a suitably condign punishment.”

    I mean really, he’s not just an officer of the Lace award, he’s a FRENCH officer.

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