7 thoughts on “SNARK WEEK: That Damned Split-Top Bodice

  1. I remember Anne Boleyn wearing this kind of split-top dress without a chemise under it… I think in the season one Christmas episode. It made me go ?? at the time, and I thought “eh, just trying to show off her boobs. Again.”

    1. That is one I remember too (and I was so mad that they kept sexualizing her, because apparently, refusing to be a mistress is now a sign of promiscuity? Also, Anne was fashionable and well-dressed, but the Tudors kept putting her in the ugliest things).
      It actually looks like a replica of Helena Snakenborg’s dress, so I wonder if it’s from a different production and originally worn with something underneath?

  2. What the heck is up with Anne Boleyn’s necklace? In some pictures, she’s wearing the famous B for Boleyn. However, I’m also seeing what looks like an A and H together? Really, people?

  3. The split-top bodice looks so much better when done right. Done wrong, it looks like those polo shirts without the buttons; weird. Also, considering how often costumes get re-used, I would want to wear a chemise or shirt under the dresses just for my own comfort. Even if it’s not seen on camera.

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