Usually when we post about upcoming movies, it’s because there’s a bunch of photos and hopefully even a trailer available. But there are some movies that I’ve been DYING to catch even the tiniest glimpse of, that are just being total teases! So, here, share my pain:
Keira Knightley plays turn-of-the-century French novelist Colette in this biopic. Yes, it’s Keira, but the very few images I’ve seen actually look beautifully costumed, if nothing else. And yes, it’s kind of cheating to include this, because there are actually a few images of this film out there, but a top 5 has to have 5! It actually showed at the Sundance film festival in January according to IMDB, and is slated for a September limited US release. The costume designer is Andrea Flesch, who’s done a ton of Hungarian films.

One Nation, One King / Un Peuple et Son Roi
With costumes by Anaïs Romand (Diary of a Chambermaid, The Nun, The Last Mistress, Les Destinées, Children of the Century), this story of the French Revolution told from the point of view of “the people” should be interesting to look at.

The Favourite

Shekhar Kapur is directing a film adaptation of “the most successful German-language musical of all time,” about the life of Empress Elisabeth aka Sissi. Since it’s Kapur, we can expect wtf costuming à la Elizabeth and Elizabeth: The Golden Age. But it’s Sissi! Maybe he won’t fuck it up?

The Marquis
Okay, so this one hasn’t actually started filming, from what I can tell (it was announced in 2016, and supposed to film in 2017). And as we know, planned projects don’t always come to fruition. But I love the idea of a film focusing on Françoise-Athénaïs, Madame de Montespan, mistress to Louis XIV — this is based on a novel (Monsieur Montespan, by Jean Teulé), which tells the story from the POV of the abandoned husband. Madame de Montespan is a fascinating historical figure, and maybe the Affair of the Poisons will be included?
That being said, preliminary press seems very focused on the whole myth of shitting-at-Versailles, which we’ve debunked numerous times:
“It was the filthiest century in the history of France, with the doctors advising to never wash, with women peeing and defecating under their beautiful dresses … or their completely strange dental ‘hygiene’ which included filling their cavities with butter and honey that would ooze out every now and then during casual conversation. … I really wanted the reader and future viewer to feel drenched in all these flavors, to immerse themselves in a world never before shown in such a raw and honest light” (Alexandre Aja Helming ‘The Marquis’; Romance To Depict Life Under The Sun King, Filth & All)
Either way, I’m totally down for some late 17th century court action, and if they do go full peeing-in-the-corner, it will make for a fun take-down!

Which upcoming movies are you dying to know more about?
Collette movie and Tolkien biopic.
I found the Mathilde Kschessinkaya movie on Amazon. The script sucks and historical accuracy has been tossed out the window. Costumes are 90%.
I want release dates for the Tolkien movie, dammit.
Same here, double dammit.
BTW I’m also looking forward to seeing The Favourite.
That was my husband’s opinion. (He plays chess and gets linked to all sorts of Russian stuff.)
I hadn’t heard of the The Favourite but am TOTALLY psyched for a Queen Anne/Sarah Churchill film! We almost never see early 18th century on film. I really hope they do it justice!
You could probably get recordings of The First Churchills.
I Have a hunch the Marquis is not going to be good for my blood pressure at all. Hasn’t that tired thing being completely debunked now? On the other hand Keira as the young Colette doesn’t bother me too much. Colette was a notorious tomboy with “peasant” manners, so her clomping all over the place is going to be in character, this time.
Historically accurate Clompy Keira for once!
All the same, Keira as the great Colette? Hmmm. Still, it can’t be worse than this stinker:
oooo, I nominate Sarah to watch that!
I am DYING for info on The Favourite. I’ve been hunting high & low, but NOTHING. Arrrggghhh.
That pic of the extras looks promising. If the producers made Sandy Powell nix the fontanges I’m rioting.
I will gladly join you in that riot.
Un Peuple et Ses Fontanges.
HOLY–!!! I was psyched already about The Favourite because it’s early 18th century. (Has there ever even been a movie about Queen Anne?–excited to see Olivia Colman doubling up on queens) Then I took another look at that poster. Yorgos Lanthimos!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? OMG. He is the Greek director of Dogtooth, The Lobster, and Killing of a Sacred Deer. Very very very very very much NOT for everybody, but I love him and I cannot wait to see what he does with a period setting. WOW. Completely unexpected. Right away my most anticipated film of the year. Thanks for posting.
I LOATH that tired old myth that people were filthy and pissing in the corners at Versailles. If I ever get my hands on the person who started it, I’m kicking them hard. Last weekend I spent the entire day at a Maritime Festival explaining that people DID NOT use heavy amounts of spices to hid the taste of spoiled meat. They were also shocked to find out that sailors would catch and eat fresh fish on long sea voyages…..
You and me both! Tell you what, I’ll hold them and you kick (I have a sprained ankle so I can’t kick, but I can sit on them) ;) And fish? you mean IN THE SEA?! But the sea is disgusting, fishes pee in them! giggles
I won’t be able to wait long enough for The Favourite – I wrote a really long essay on Sarah so this is amazing, to say the least!
I’ve read a couple of stories from Colette and Keira’s my baby, so this one goes off to the watchlist as well. Thanks!
I’m so hype to see The Favorite and Elisabeth! I believe this is the first time we gonna have a film on Queen Anne as she’s severely underrated, and Elizabeth Sissi is my favorite historical figure and i’m looking forward to see a film that truly open how tragic her life was during her time.
I’m sorry…..what? There’s a film version of the Sissi musical coming out? And it’s directed by Shekhar Kapur?
Look at my avatar and guess why this is important to me.
I haven’t seen the musical but I watched all 3 Sissi movies this Christmas until my husband begged for mercy.
I loved the Sisi movies. And I hope the new movie does her, Elizabeth Empress of Austria and Hungary justice.
I’m itching for info on Vita and Virginia!
Hopefully the movie will be good. It seems like they cast actors to portray the major characters involved in the lives of both women.
I think some people of the 17th and 18th centuries would look at us as being overly clean. “All of that water just for washing? And a little potion to take away germs? What are germs?” But yes, sponge baths are perfectly suitable. Anyhow: I wish Ms. Knightly would stick with modern films. Or at least 20th Century period pieces.
If ever there should be an Affair of the Poisons movie, I nominate an adaptation of Judith Merkle Riley’s The Oracle Glass. The costumes would be amazing.
Am not a Keira fan, but the movie has to be better than the dreck that was “Becoming Colette” (1991), a fine example of the Male Gaze distorting a woman’s life and work. I’ve been reading Colette since I was 15, and was so angry I started throwing things at the (television) screen.
Sorry–I forgot I had already posted a similar message; am still recuperating from surgery and not always well focused.
Oooh, yes, the Anne/Sarah Churchill one looks promising, and I love Olivia Coleman. Also, yes, about this Tolkien biopic… When??? It’s a good chance to capture the excitement about the Amazon series, which may not air until 2020/2021.
So if all of those could come out tomorrow that would be great
The stage version of the Elisabeth musical can be found easily on YouTube. Give it a watch if you’re curious!