Mothering Sunday (2021) is a small, tense film that’s not immediately clear in its...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Because I love you and apparently hate myself, I’m watching the whole damn series,...
Oh dear. Another literary classic gets unnecessarily updated. But not really updated because the...
Meh, yet another “aging Casanova meets his one true love who just happens to...
The Frock Flicks team spends a lot of time working through our backlogs on...
Unlike Trystan, I saw the musical film Grease (1978) way back in the day...
PBS Masterpiece and ITV have done a new adaption of The History of Tom...
I’ve often stated my dislike of the writings of Charles Dickens, and at Frock...
Ugh. The White Queen (2013) getting to be quite the slog. Like I mentioned...