14 thoughts on “SNARK WEEK: A Series of Unfortunate Bigginses

  1. GOT Frey men with long hair sure look like women.

    All we need is either Katniss or Effie wearing a derpy bonnets. It would give the whole ‘I volunteer as Tribute` a whole new meaning.🙄

  2. Educational plus ugly=win, if it can’t be educational plus great-looking–I have to say bigginses are entirely ‘village idiot’ in my book, and not in any attractive way.

  3. I don’t know, Princess Caraboo is Regency, which does indeed have derpy ruffly day caps that look like baby bonnets. I think that one has a chance to pass (if they were indoors, anyway.)

  4. I don’t like what Burghley did to Mary Queen of Scots IRL, but daymn, bro knew how to rock a Biggins!

  5. I thought the Frey offspring all wearing UB just helped emphasize the terrible incest going on in that family! And let’s face it none of them were known for their intelligence…

    Thanks to FF, I cannot NOT spot UBs in every movie I watch these days. Right up there with metal grommets, leather pants, and boots indoors to mention just a few. Now I am sure to have something to snark at LOL

    1. The Freys look derpy and unintelligent in their unfortunate bigginses, it was only their father Walder who had any brains.
      I spot all the things that Frock Flicks has taught me too. I was watching “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” and asked myself “why is Jude Law wearing a leather biker jacket?

  6. Is “coif” pronounced “kwof” (like a person from Brooklyn saying ‘cough’), or “koyf”? I’ve always pronounced it like the root of “coiffure”, as in my first example, but I’ve heard lots of HA people say it the second way.

    1. As far as I know, when “coif” is used as an alternate term for “coiffure” it’s pronounced “kwof”. When referring to the cap, it’s “koyf”. Both forms keep their individual pronunciation when used in verb form as well.

  7. This post is too funny. Aren’t there a lot of unfortunate biggins(es) (is that the plural for biggins?) in Monty Python and the Holy Grail? I’m not sure if they’re actually accurate or not, but funny as hell.

  8. Truly, it is a spectacular series of unfortunate bigginses! And thank you for the shout-out. :)

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