After Maggie Smith’s death (sniff), I went about rewatching some of my favorite of...
Gosford Park (2001)
This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent the decade...
You know English actress Sophie Thompson, but you may not know you know her!...
Sir Michael Gambon passed away last week at the age of 82, and I...
Seeing English actress Lucy Cohu in the recent Dangerous Liaisons reminded me that 1) I...
Whatever happened to these cute floppy-haired boys in late 1980s to early 1990s frock...
Julian Fellowes — writer, director, producer, and former actor — is a mainstay of...
Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald is incredibly talented, stunningly beautiful, and has that great Glaswegian...
I thought I’d shake things up a bit for today’s Man Candy Monday, and...
To many, Charles Dance IS evil dad Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones. But this...