This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
A Little Chaos (2014)
Having adored all of his recent foodie travel series Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy,...
When word hit that actress Helen McCrory had passed away on April 16, 2021,...
Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart de Mortemart, Marquise of Montespan was the most glamorous of King...
You probably know Jennifer Ehle as the best Elizabeth Bennet EVER in the one...
I haven’t watched ALL the films that feature France’s Louis XIV, but I’ve watched...
There are three of us writing for Frock Flicks, and we’ve all got our...
We recently got ranty about The White Princess, specifically, the fact that at least one...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for...
As a member of the generously-proportioned club, I’m always on the lookout for people...