32 thoughts on “SNARK WEEK RECAP: The King’s Favorite aka Diane de Poitiers (2022), Ep. 1, Pt. 1

  1. Oh, those TV movies were absolutely awful. Nothing really interesting about Diane de Poitiers but a series of clichés like it was a book written in the 19th century. It’s SO cheap despite being shot in real châteaux and having big names on the casting. I hope you have noticed the use of the 1920s cape pattern popularized by American Duchess on the late 1st episode and on the 2nd episode.

    What’s also infuriating are the literal product placements. You may have missed the one in this episode, because it’s a bit subtle especially if you don’t speak French : it’s a product placement for the cognac beverage (a liqueur made in Cognac) paid by cognac producers for 20k €. Here is the source (in French) https://www.charentelibre.fr/charente/cognac/francois-ier-qui-boit-un-cognac-c-est-faux-les-legeretes-historiques-du-telefilm-diane-de-poitiers-sont-assumees-12906877.php

    But fear not! More product placements are coming in the second episode!

  2. (Oh wait I should update my previous comment, it’s 20k € paid by alcohol producers, because you know alcohol lobbies in France, PLUS 25k € paid by public funds just to promote that.)

  3. I, too, would like to know how Isabella Adjani stays looking so young and beautiful. And as a fellow Goth Queen I envy every stitch of her hilariously inaccurate wardrobe. You had me at ‘wandered round her country chateau in long loose robes with long crimped hair’.

    I could forgive the weirdness of the wardrobe in Brotherhood of the Wolf because it wasn’t historical but this is the goth equivalent of ‘I’m not wearing it unless my tits are out.’

  4. Diane doesn’t believe in hairpins, apparently! 0.5 for Not being based on a PFG Novel. Minus 100,000,000 for all the WTFrock!

  5. Okay, this is way off the beam, but I have to ask: In the very first photo, What is with that poor horse’s forelock? Maybe scissors hadn’t been invented yet? I am no historical horsie expert, but it doesn’t begin to make sense that a horse that is presumably (if picturesquely) used for hunting would have so much hair in his face that he can’t see out. If I missed the memo about horses having teenage-girl hair in olden times, I apologize.

  6. I’m guessing this movie didn’t require a lot of varied emotions from its actress, given that she has the EXACT SAME expression in every single screen cap you shared…

  7. This post sent me down a rabbit hole of wondering if it was Diane de Poitiers who had a château built over a river which I saw a photo of in my high school French book and never forgot?, googling it and finding out that yes it was her & it’s the Château de Chenonceau, spending 20 minutes reading up on Chenonceau and looking at photos, thinking I really should put it on my bucket list, realising that while my disability means I can’t cope with the heat anymore and many of my dream overseas trips are now unfeasible France in spring might actually work, and starting to plan to save (I’m in New Zealand so it’s a long & expensive haul to get there)…

    So congrats, Flickers, you’ve given me my goal for one (possibly last) big OE! Who knew you were also travel influencers?

    Also, I SO want a pattern for that bonkers red off-the-shoulder gown with the big puffy sleeves.

    1. Chenonceau is gorgeous! I went once, too briefly, but I remember it well. There are lots of little places you can see inside where Catherine de Medici redid her initials over Diane’s (bec. sometimes it worked & sometimes it didn’t, lol).

    2. It is Chenonceau and it’s beautiful! Definitely go in spring, better weather and fewer tourists. When I went it was PACKED (June maybe?).

      1. For more context : Diane de Poitiers was the keeper of Chenonceau until 1559 (death of Henri II). As Chenonceau was royal property, she had to give it back. She did not build the gallery over the river (it was Catherine de Medici, after she got back the château in the 1570s) but Diane did build a bridge over the river. At the same time, as a diplomatic gesture, Catherine gifted her the château of Chaumont, her own personal château she bought on her own money. Chaumont was a bit old fashioned, and in fact Diane never lived there if not for very short periods of time. She had the walkway remade with her initials, but she spent her days at Anet which was built for her.

  8. First I see Diane besides wearing Goth, trying to ape the Pre-Raphs with unbobby pinned hair, Aththen Excalibur, maybe, and finally REN FAIRE. Anne d’Estampes’ baby fit green SCREAMS Prostitute. And where’s Marie de Medici? And Henri looks on steroids.

  9. ( when reading your comment about Depardieu, sadly I wonder if you heard about his latest disgusting deed…)

    1. Oh god, I think I read about it and blocked it out (didn’t some doc come out where he sexually harassed a journalist and a kid on camera?)

      1. That’s it, he harassed a Korean hostess by using the language bareer and made disgusting comments about a ten year olds. After that, many people from movies industry started to say how he harassed and assaulted many women. One of them, who played his wife in Danton, killed herself recently, her trauma may be one of the causes

  10. It’s so unfair that everyone remembers Diane de Poitiers slept with the king, but they all forget she invented Botox!

  11. Ok, I’m a 16th Century France nerd and A.) Those dresses were weird and in style for a relatively limited time period, based on what I’ve seen B.) No one really makes them right for screen. Or at all for any other purpose.

    Basically they are the “I saw you like fancy bodices so I put a bodice on your bodice while you’re still workin’ out this henrician thing” style. Most you can see very clearly are hooked in the front below the bust line (although there are exceptions to that, so I wouldn’t say it’s a hard and fast rule), and sometimes were used as extensions to the well known “henrician” gown that we know from all the Tudor things. However, it seems pretty clear to me that on the rare occasions that we see them full length as extensions to this earlier type of gown, it’s fairly clear that it is a transitional gown between the henrician type gown focus on fabric with most embellishments on the underlying kirtle. Because it’s transitional, you get a variety of looks from the more conservative earlier style to a more flamboyant trim focused style that is evident later and makes a shift from a more balanced? Rounded? silhouette for women to a longer silhouette that we see later in France and parts of Italy.

    I have OPINIONS and need to make my own, but in the meantime, everyone just gets my opinions.

  12. NOOOObody expects the French Inquisition!

    I’m trying to fathom some of the choices here. Was there some kind of tug-of-war going on between some of the producers over whether or not they were making something akin to historical fantasy like Brotherhood of the Wolf as opposed to vaguely realistic historical drama?

  13. It’s hard for me to find words–in English or French–to describe the stills above! The closest I can get is: Mon dieu?!#$%@ Was this a vanity project for Isabelle Adjani??? I mean, the display photos are from an exhibition that is named after her!

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