The Libertine (2000) is a French comedy movie about Denis Diderot, 18th-century writer of...
Eighteenth Century
Historical costume movies & TV set in the Georgian, Baroque, or Rocco era.
Jeanne du Barry (2023), the biopic about the second official mistress of French King...
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (2023) is the latest season from the Bridgerton series....
The Bridgerton stories takes a jump back in time (mostly) and instead of showing...
PBS Masterpiece and ITV have done a new adaption of The History of Tom...
I’ve wanted to review The Last of the Mohicans (1992) for a while, because it’s...
The latest “We Can’t Handle Period Aesthetics” project, aka the biopic Jeanne du Barry (2023)...
As you might guess, I have a LOT of thoughts about the plot and...
As you might guess, I have a LOT of thoughts about the plot and...
The first episode of Marie Antoinette (2022), the Canal+ series about the famous 18th-century French...