By now, you’ve probably seen the trailer for A Little Chaos, the film about...
Man Candy Monday
Men we love in historical costume movies & TV.
I’ve had the hots for Toby Stephens since accidentally discovering the amazing film Photographing Fairies in the...
aka the Frock Flicks Guide to Hugh Grant Historical Costume Movies For a while...
Man Candy Monday is typically about an actor, not a fictional character. Not that...
Snark Week is over. Sob. To help us all transition back to the daily...
Clark Gable, the most manly of Hollywood man candy ever for this Monday. Life...
Consider this an early Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa, Festivus, New Year’s, whatever-you-celebrate gift… “It’s...
Reasons to love James Purefoy: 1) THE MAN HAS SWAGGER. 2) He looks damn...