How have we not done Felicity Jones yet??????!!!!!! This confuses me. She’s British, she’s overbitey, she’s got that English Rose look down pat — and she’s a great actress!
The Treasure Seekers (1996)
An Edwardian-set TV “family” film, also starring a young Keira Knightley.
Servants (2003)
A series focused on the servants in an 1850s English country house. Jones plays a chamber maid.

Northanger Abbey (2007)
As main character Catherine Morland in this adaptation of the Jane Austen novel (the best so far).

Doctor Who: The Unicorn and the Wasp (2008)
As a guest at a dinner party in 1926, set around the disappearance of author Agatha Christie.
Brideshead Revisited (2008)
As younger sister Cordelia in the more recent adaptation.

The Diary of Anne Frank (2009)
As older sister Margot in this real-life story of Dutch Jews who hid from the Nazis.
Chéri (2009)
As the innocent 18-year-old who marries the title character, who’s in love with an older courtesan.

The Tempest (2010)
As Miranda, daughter of Prospero (Helen Mirren), in this arty adaptation of the Shakespeare play.

Hysteria (2011)
Two medical doctors in late Victorian England start using vibrators to treat women’s “hysteria.” Jones plays the daughter of one of the doctors, who becomes engaged to the other, younger doctor (Hugh Dancy).

Cheerful Weather for the Wedding (2012)
As the reluctant bride in this 1930s-set comedy.

The Invisible Woman (2013)
As Nelly Ternan, actress and Charles Dickens’s mistress, in this story about their relationship.

The Theory of Everything (2014)
As Jane Wilde Hawking, wife of scientist Stephen Hawking.

On the Basis of Sex (2018)
As the Notorious RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) in this biopic about the pioneering Supreme Court Justice.

The Aeronauts (2019)
As one of two hot air balloon pilots who adventure in 1862 England.

Which is your favorite Felicity Jones frock flick role?
The Tempest
I really like Felicity, but I want the puppy even more.
She was very good in Northagner Abbey. I barely remember her from Brideshead Revisited, though I enjoyed that movie on the whole. Overall she has a likable face and just comes across as a decent person of substance, not a flake. Her look in the picture from Servants reminds me very much of Sally Hawkins’s look in Fingersmith.
I loved her in Cheerful Weather for the Wedding, an excellent movie overall with great costumes.
Wait, they gender flipped Prospero? I bet Dame Helen was wonderful.