This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent the decade...
Mike O’Neill
Given the latest adaptation of Nancy Mitford’s novel The Pursuit of Love starring Lily James...
I loved The Last King (2003), also known as Charles II: The Power and The Passion, when...
I loved The Last King (2003), also known as Charles II: The Power and The Passion, when...
In cataloging Queen Elizabeth I on film and in TV, I realized we didn’t...
Sometimes you don’t realize how many of your favorite gorgeously costumed productions were designed...
I have wanted to do a deep-dive review of Daniel Deronda (2002) because it’s...
I have wanted to do a deep-dive review of Daniel Deronda (2002) because it’s...
I have wanted to do a deep-dive review of Daniel Deronda (2002) because it’s an interesting...
I have wanted to do a deep-dive review of Daniel Deronda (2002) because it’s an...