Flashback (2021) is a recent French comedy about a modern-day lawyer who successfully defends...
George Sand
Confession of a Child of the Century (2015) is an adaptation of an 1836...
The 1830s have such wacky fashions that you’d think nobody would present them on...
This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
We’ve all had that partner. You know, the one. THE ONE. Your first taste...
I am sort of obsessed with French author George Sand. This started off when...
Say what you will, I love Judy Davis. Yes, I’ve heard the horror stories...
Apparently, there’s yet another film version of Little Women in the works — Flavorwire...
My George Sand obsession is pretty well known among my friends and Facebook acquaintances,...
I have a thing for Merle Oberon that’s almost as intense as my thing...