4 thoughts on “SNARK WEEK RECAP: The King’s Favorite aka Diane de Poitiers, Ep. 1, Pt. 2

  1. The portrait with the moon crescent headdress is probably late 16th or 17th century. Iirc multiple versions exist (I should check that out) and one is on display at the Château de Chaumont (which Diane de Poitiers owned when Catherine de Medici became regent, but in which she almost never came)

  2. I feel like that mask is meant to be a call back to the mask scene with Adjani in Queen Margot. I feel like one of the points of this whole series to showcase how “similar” Adjani looks to herself in that movie made over 30 years ago.

  3. The actress who play Caterina de’medici, and I use the Italian form for a reason, is really Italian. She’s Gaia Girace, better know for her role in L’Amica Geniale, My Brilliant Friend, and she’s totally miscast.
    Catherine was blonde, plump and Florentine, Gaia is black, skinny and Neapolitan, but she’s a nice accent

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