6 thoughts on “MCM: King James VI & I

  1. In the Doctor Who episode, it’s the female Doctor played by Jodie Whittaker who encounters King James.

  2. Pretty sure it‘s just a typo but he was the great-great grandson of Henry VII not VIII 😊

    1. I came here to write just that. Henry VIII had three kids, but none of them had children, so no grandchildren, unless you accept the Mary Boleyn/Cary story.

  3. I haven’t seen Mary & George, so the only one in recent memory for me is the episode of Doctor Who. I’ve got to admit, I loved Alan Cumming in the role – he was perfect, especially hearing him flirting with Ryan and calling him “my Nubian prince…” In truth, all the costuming on the episode was spot on, and my favorite line ever from Jodie’s Doctor getting annoyed at the reality of being a woman on earth, “if I was a bloke I wouldn’t have to waste my time explaining everything and could just get on with it…” I mean, that’s like every woman in history, ever…

    1. I admit to having a soft spot for this version of James VI & I, not least because Mr Alan Cummings clearly decided “DOCTOR WHO is FUN! Hey, I could absolutely make this my audition reel, just in case the lovely Jodie pulls an Eccleston and they need a new Doctor…”

      He must have been CRUSHED when they pulled in a different lanky Scottish scene-stealer as the Fourteenth Doctor!

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