12 thoughts on “MCM: Axel von Fersen

    1. Looks like him. I always thought he was marginally creepy. In The Fall, he’s REALLY creepy.

  1. Based on these pictures. 1st: Jean Yves Berteloot (he’s always yummy). 2nd: Jonas Berstrom. 3rd: Jamie Dornan.

  2. Amusing connection: at time he made ‘Marie-Antoinette/Shadow of the Guillotine’ and other major costume films, Richard Todd was m. to my grandmother’s cousin (they’d met as young actors working at Dundee Rep Theatre). Visited all the family when back in the Highlands filming ‘Rob Roy’.

  3. Fersen played a major role in “Le Gerfaut” from 1987. Although I thought that the performance was stiff and the whole production very much looked like a soap opera the costumes were not too bad for French TV. The actor was Patrice Alexsandre.

    I suppose that there was Axel von Fersen in “La comtesse de Charny” from 1989 too, which had some good costumes although I didn’t found him on imdb.

  4. The wonderful Hanna Schygulla is the actress in the shot from La Nuit de Varennes. She plays a lady in waiting to Marie Antoinette. The royals are never shown directly. The movie is about the people in the coach that follows in the wake of Louis and Marie Antoinette on their disastrous journey. I love this movie and fully recommend it.

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