My 18th Century Quest combined with my interest in French queen Marie-Antoinette made me...
18th-Century Quest
Kendra’s ongoing mission to watch every movie ever set in the 18th century.
Toussaint Louverture — Haitian general and leader of the Haitian Revolution — is such...
The Libertine (2000) is a French comedy movie about Denis Diderot, 18th-century writer of...
As I recently complained, I can’t believe 2017’s The Royal Exchange hasn’t gotten a US...
There are some definite problems with the Merchant/Ivory film Jefferson in Paris (1995). The...
I remember having mixed feelings about A Royal Affair (2012) back when it came...
I’ve wanted to watch the 1954 film Madame du Barry for years, but had a...
I hadn’t heard of the film The Liberator until I came across that image of...
Is One Nation, One King (2018) the best movie ever? Probably not — it’s too...
Manon Lescaut is a weird (TV) movie, guys. It’s based on a 1731 French novel...