This classic 1981 music video just came on, and I immediately said, “I need to Frock Flick this!” (Followed by “Trystan is going to be so pissed she didn’t think of this first”). Adam and the Ants are one of the most memorable of the early 1980s British New Wave bands, and their look (particularly associated with their album Kings of the Wild Frontier) was pivotal in creating the New Romantic fashion (and music) style of the early 1980s. And, clearly, it was a direct inspiration for Plunkett & Macleane (1999)’s New Romantic/18th-century mashup.
Stand and Deliver‘s video was apparently based on a Monty Python sketch “Dennis Moore,” in which an over-thinking-it highwayman pulls over a carriage and proceeds to rob them of their lupins (a flowering plant).
Adam and the Ants’s video begins with Adam fixing his makeup and looking VERY pretty:

Cut to Adam sitting in a tree aiming his pistols, supposedly at a passing carriage, but I don’t have much faith in his aim here:

Inside the carriage are Miss Goth Universe 1981 and some loser with bad hair and a Walkman (Editor’s Note: For the young ‘uns, that’s a primitive form of iPod):

Adam distracts them with a swishy dance:

Meanwhile Adam’s bandmates are ready for the local pirate festival, while they hang with a redheaded version of Nancy Spungen from the Sid and Nancy (1986) movie:

Suddenly it’s night, and Adam decides to taunt his victims with a shiny, shiny mirror:

Suddenly, we cut to a fancy party in which every Princess Di lookalike is waitressing, dressed as a St. Pauli girl:

Who comes crashing through the window?

Why, it’s our highwayman, armed with his fearsome mirror!

Apparently Adam isn’t a very good highwayman, because all it takes are two broody rocker boys to “catch” him:

Let’s hang him!

We get closeups of all of the contenders for Goth Prom King and Queen:

Mysteriously, Adam is able to just hop off the platform!

And we all scamper off to the local renfaire!

But wait! There are ominous Monty Python-esque monks portending … something!

God I love this.
And back in the day I was totally the crimped blond elegant goth.
I can totally see that! (And I want to see pics!)
Oh, I LOVED this when it came. And Adam Ant was so pretty! And I feel so old…
You should do Karma Chameleon by Culture Club! That video is so strange.
I have never, ever, understood why the security is made up of Tuskeegee Airmen.
Because art.
Love this! I used to have an Adam Ant poster hanging on the back of my office door, so no one could see it except me when I had the door closed. Ah, those were the days. Also loved Plunkett & Mcleane — Alan Cumming just stole the show with his purple tricorn. Screenshots, please!
Trystan’s approach to costuming now has context.
And my approach to life!
For everything that’s dear – if you haven’t already, you MUST see Horrible Histories’ Dick Turpin/Adam Ant spoof/tribute: https://youtu.be/TpJuMO3FpBM?t=1m30s
That was quite possibly the best thing I’ve watched in recent memory. Although, his trousers could have been tighter…
True. But we don’t know his life.
This made me almost spit coffee over my keyboard.