6 thoughts on “WCW: Jessica Lange

  1. In regards to Feud, it doesn’t really bother me if an actor doesn’t particularly look like the person they’re playing as long as the costuming is accurate and the acting is good. If they can portray the essence of a character that’s good enough for me!

  2. Sharon Stone made an interesting comment last year (I think it was last year) about how, for women there can be only one top dog, i.e. there’s only Meryl Streep, and thus no other woman can compete, because women can’t have a litany of talented actresses “There can only be one”. when I read that I immediately thought of Jessica Lange, who I’ve loved since I saw Rob Roy as a kid. Not that Meryl doesn’t deserve her hype, she does. But so do a lot of other actresses who have had long and interesting careers; including Jessica Lange.
    She deserves more cred and buzz than she’s been getting.

  3. Loved her especially in Sweet Dreams, Crimes of the Heart and American Horror Story. But really I love her in everything, starting with King Kong when I was a teenager, then her tiny but perfect and pivotal performance in All That Jazz. So happy to see her again with Ed Harris in Long Day’s Journey into Night.

  4. Cousin Bette is such a delightfully satisfying revenge piece!

    I loved, loved Everybody’s All American, even if it so damned dour in the second half.

  5. I know of Jessica Lange and have heard of many of these movies, yet I haven’t seen any of them! In the pictures from Blue Sky, her costume and attitude seem similar in vibe to Jessica Chastain’s character in The Help.

  6. Love Cousin Bette- it’s wickedly funny! I hate to nitpick, but I think the second photo from Marlowe is of Diane Kruger. :)

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