(c) Fine Line Features.
Widows’ Peak (1994) stars Natasha Richardson, Mia Farrow, and Joan Plowright in a 1920s Ireland-set story about a town run by widows. It’s a dark comedy, and while it’s not perfect, it’s a fun story for which I want to give as few spoilers as I can, while still highlighting the FABULOUS costumes by Consolata Boyle.
Many of the widows are older, and of course this is a small village, so they wear relatively dated, late-1910s-ish ensembles:

The town matriarch is widow Mrs. Doyle-Counihan (Joan Plowright), who dresses like it’s about somewhere between 1900 and 1914:

In a strange spot is Miss O’Hare, who’s an older woman of few means but not a widow:

Into the mix comes Edwina Broome, a glamorous young widow who shakes things up. According to the LA Times,
“Edwina is a seductress, but Boyle doesn’t exploit the obvious. She does make her coatless, so as not to conceal her shape and ‘to give the feeling that she’s not affected by the elements, that she’s not quite grounded, that she’s lighter than air,’ Boyle explains. And she does give her dresses that are always slipping off her shoulders, plus the appearance that she isn’t wearing any underwear. (She’s actually wearing a slip.) … All of Edwina’s dresses were made from period fabrics, then sewn together in London and Dublin, along with the other principal costumes. Crocheted pieces and jewelry are all period, including Bakelite bangles, pearls and garnet, jet and glass beads” (Widow Dressing).

I’m not going to tell you anything else that might give away the plot, other than to highly recommend this film! It’s entertaining, well acted and produced, and the costumes are really really great.
Have you seen Widows’ Peak? What did you think of the costumes?
Isn’t that Adrian Dunbar squiring Edwina-the-seductress in several of those pics? Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey!
I remember watching this a few years ago and enjoying myself, but now I remember almost none of the plot. It must be time for a rewatch!
Ooooh…thanks for this post! I haven’t seen this movie, and I had totally forgotten about it! It looks absolutely gorgeous, and the actresses in it are amazing. I know it’s going to be good! A few months ago, I finally watched Enchanted April and since then have longed to watch the 90s-made women’s movie from around that era. I finally tracked down a used copy of Tea with Mussolini (which I’d wanted to see for forever). I think Widow’s Peak I’ll watch Widow’s Peak after I finish Tea… Thanks again!!