Catherine Earnshaw is a wild child, only daughter of the Earnshaw clan of Wuthering...
Wuthering Heights
Created by Emily Brontë in her only novel Wuthering Heights, published in 1847, Heathcliff...
Watch enough historical costume movies and TV shows, and you notice a lot of...
Obligatory Brontë fan here, reporting in on Emily (2022), a new biopic that focuses...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
A star from the golden age of Hollywood as well as a lauded veteran...
I’m honestly kind of surprised we haven’t featured Richard Burton on a Man Candy...
This Irish-born actor made a name for himself in Hollywood playing Brits, both contemporary...
Today would have been Emily Brontë 200th birthday. The middle of the surviving Brontë sisters,...
Happy birthday, Emily Brontë! She was born this day, July 30, in 1818. While...