This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982)
Before World War II, hats were an essential part of western fashion for both...
Julian Fellowes — writer, director, producer, and former actor — is a mainstay of...
Phyllis Dalton has retired from designing costumes for movies and TV, and she leaves...
On a Facebook post about the 1982 premiere of The Scarlet Pimpernel, a couple readers...
We bitch about remakes here at Frock Flicks, and I know there are big...
Best known today as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies and Magneto...
Nearly all of our Man Candy Monday posts have featured classically hot actors, so...
Costume movies tend to screw up certain things on repeat. We count down the...