This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
Terry Dresbach
Frock Flicks note: This is a guest post by our friend Loren Dearborn, who...
I don’t know that I have too much to say about the last few...
Outlander season 4 (2018) is upon us, and I’m doing everyone a solid by...
Some of us (coughmecough) didn’t manage to watch season 3 of Outlander when it aired,...
Entertainment Weekly just dropped another Outlander-themed issue. Cue the internet freakout! Like the last...
The whole time I’ve been watching Outlander (2014-), I’ve struggled with the fact that I...
Standard “there are no spoilers in history” warnings apply, here. However, since there are...
We promised that we would blog about any interesting costume content in the 2017 season...
We know you’re all chomping at the bit for Outlander: Season 3 coverage from...