This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
This past weekend, Italian actress Asia Argento made a powerful speech at Cannes: Not...
Often, we snark the extras in historical costume movies and TV shows because they’re...
On this Man Candy Monday (the sexiest of Mondays), we do homage to sexy...
James Acheson may be working on Spider-Man movies now, but he’s got a long...
Apparently some big comic-book movie opened last weekend — The Avengers? Which has nothing...
It’s the inverse of our usual Oh the Bad Movies You’ll Watch conundrum, which...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...