7 thoughts on “Helena Bonham Carter Is Nolly (2023)

    1. My mother was obsessed with the faux Gibson Girl updo in the mid-80s. I never understood it. Still don’t, actually.

    2. Ditto! I love spotting what I call “historical retro,” which is earlier periods that are referencing even EARLIER periods. It blew my mind when I first found out that 1970s wedges were referencing the 1940s!

      1. History is always at it’s most delightful when one remembers that those of us who live history almost always think of history as something that happened to all those OLD people …

        On a more serious note, it always interests me to see little snippets from the past which show how various generations have lived with history: One of the more weirdly intriguing examples of that is the fact that at one point the Mona Lisa hung in the bedroom of His Late Majesty King Louis XIV – one of the more hilarious is that Queen Victoria once remarked that she thought King Charles the Second the most attractive of her predecessors.

        Clearly Her Late Majesty liked them tall, dark and rascally.

  1. Just finished the miniseries yesterday. WOW!! Helena Bonham-Carter was BRILLIANT! And the supporting cast was also terrific. I highly recommend this show! And, yes, to me the costumes seemed spot on! Bravo!!

  2. My grandma never missed an episode of ‘Crossroads’, but the show was mercilessly mocked for its wooden acting and low production values. Victoria Wood’s ‘Acorn Antiques’ captured its vibe perfectly!

  3. My grandmother adored “Crossroads” and wouldn’t hear a word against it “I think it’s very true to life,” she said. I found the shaky sets and wooden acting hard to tolerate. It labelled Noel Gordon’s career forever.

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