She’s the girl next door, the goddess, the sexpot, whatever you want her to...
Oscar Wilde
Let’s give it up for the ponciest, flounciest, and prissiest of characters in historical...
Man Candy Monday is usually about hunky, hot boys who we gleefully objectify for...
I’m excited enough about Indian Summers (now airing in the US on PBS) that I’ve...
Stephen Fry was born to play Oscar Wilde, and that’s why the movie Wilde...
May 14 was Cate Blanchett’s birthday, so what better time to examine the many...
Do you love turn-of-the-20th-century costume? If you don’t, you may be inclined to overlook The...
Rupert Everett never made a secret of his sexuality, which is pretty noteworthy during...
An Ideal Husband is full of fabulous costumes and Rupert Everett being fabulous. The title...
This was so much better than I thought it would be, given how it...