This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
Marianne Agertoft
As the literary purist here at Frock Flicks, I fell on the grenade that...
Somebody in British costume-making has a thing for one particular collar style. I’m calling...
The BBC’s new, no-singing Les Misérables (2019) just wrapped up airing in the States on PBS....
It’s the finale of Poldark season 2! I posted my stream-of-consciousness thoughts on the previous...
And we’re down to the finish line on Poldark season 2! I posted my stream-of-consciousness...
And, we’re back for more of my stream-of-consciousness thoughts on Poldark season 2! I’m...
It’s time for our last installment of our detailed analysis of Poldark 2015’s costumes! Previously we...
Let’s get back to our in-depth analysis of Poldark 2015’s costumes, shall we? I’ve previously...
The BBC (and Masterpiece PBS) brings back Ross Poldark and his lady-loves Elizabeth and...