This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent the decade...
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
The ruff may just be the most iconic part of a fashionable late 16th...
Frock Flicks note: This is a guest post by Deb Fuller. She’s a horse-crazy...
Support Frock Flicks with a small donation! During Snark Week and beyond, we’re grateful for your...
Alexandra Byrne grew up in Stratford-Upon-Avon in the U.K., so it’s no surprise that...
She’s one of those bit players who sometimes has a key role that just...