This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
Amy Roberts
May 8, 1945, was Victory in Europe Day, marking the Allies’ acceptance of Germany’s...
I can’t believe we’ve never done a full review of Cold Comfort Farm (1995),...
Amy Roberts has been designing for film and television since the late-1970s and is...
Here at Frock Flicks HQ, we spend a lot of time working through our backlogs on...
An Inspector Calls is a one-episode BBC TV movie based on a 1945 play....
On this day in 1542, Mary Stuart was born. Six days later, she was...
Are you missing Downton Abbey? The final series starts Sunday, January 4, 2015, in...
Happy birthday, Emily Brontë! She was born this day, July 30, in 1818. While...
After Snark Week and our recent post on what movies and TV get wrong...