9 thoughts on “V.E. Day, A Royal Night Out, & The Ritz

  1. My mother-in-law, still alive, danced the conga down DC streets on VJ Day, August 14, which was also her birthday. So “The Crown” was so significant to watch, even if not totally accurate.

    1. My grandfather proposed to my grandmother on VJ Day. He was from Massachusetts, she was from Hawaii, he was a naval officer stationed in Pearl Harbor and he didn’t want to risk losing her from his life with the war ending. They were married three weeks later on his family’s farm in MA (now farmed by my cousin), and while there were many ups and downs to their marriage, he always said that proposing to her was the best decision he ever made.

  2. I love A Royal Night out! Yes, it’s a fantasy, but a sweet one!

  3. I love A Royal Night Out, it’s a comfort film for me. I’ll definitely give V.E. a watch too, since the story of the two princesses having a party night at the end of the War has always been a fun fantasy “what if”, even if the reality was way less exciting.

  4. A Royal Night Out quickly landed itself on one favorite movie list, fanciful fluff as it was. Also, that soldier that Liz ends up hanging out with was super super cute.

    Also, Rupert Everett and Emily Watson were superb as the King and Queen.

    unrelared aside – the Pink Sink as a name for an openly clandestine gay bar is just about perfect!

  5. Loved both of them, even if they were highly fictionalized. It’s to be expected. “Princesses go for a walk among the crowds and do a little dancing in the middle” is kind of ho-hum. I just realized that my late mother graduated from h.s. in ’45, and she never really talked about V.E. Day or V.J. Day, although she did mention the blackouts, rationing, and the genuine air raid that became known as the Battle of Los Angeles. I suppose once you’ve lived through a Depression and wartime deprivation, the end is kind of anti-climactic.

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