This BBC miniseries stars Richard E. Grant as the title character and Elizabeth McGovern...
Eighteenth Century
Historical costume movies & TV set in the Georgian, Baroque, or Rocco era.
This TV series, created by French and Saunders (a famous British comedy team. You...
eek! I watched this about 6 months ago and completely can’t remember it! As...
This miniseries falls into the trap, shared by many movies about real historical persons,...
Another BBC miniseries, which will tell you right off that it’s good. Set in...
Another favorite film of mine. Emma Thompson’s adaptation of Austen’s book is hands down...
Another mixed bag — it’s a Merchant/Ivory production, which in itself should be enough...
Another so/so movie. Tom Cruise is WAY out of his league as the vampire...
Too dark of a tale for my tastes, but that’s just me. Obviously Mary...
First, I have to confess that although I love Jane Eyre, I’m not really...