Jodhi May stars in this adaptation of the Henry James ghost story, as a...
Month: April 1999
The “story” behind Gilbert and Sullivan’s Mikado. Funny, witty, with some good bustle gowns...
An interesting film that doesn’t quite achieve all its aims, but is still worth...
Set during the American Civil War and about Southern troops fighting in Mississippi. This...
One of those Really Terrible movies that’s just gorgeously costumed. Unrequited romance, Ralph Fiennes,...
Certainly way better than the modernized Gwyneth Paltrow version! Set in the 1860s, Justine...
Chow Yun-Fat is fabulous, Jodie Foster is lackluster in this retelling of the “true”...
The only “off” Austen adaptation of the 1990s, mostly because of changes from the...
Already a classic — Tim Burton’s retelling with Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane Girl...
This BBC miniseries stars Richard E. Grant as the title character and Elizabeth McGovern...