She’s one of those bit players who sometimes has a key role that just sticks with you. Susan Lynch is a Northern Irish actress who’s been working in Irish and British TV for decades, and some of her film appearances have been particularly striking. Let’s review!
Paris Vampire in Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)

Maura Ryan in Dangerous Lady (1995)

Rebecca in Ivanhoe (1997)

Caroline of Brunswick in A Royal Scandal (1997)

Maggie in Amongst Women (1998)

Nora Barnacle in Nora (2000)

Liz Stride in From Hell (2001)

Annette Fleming in Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)

Tib in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010)

Molly in Great Expectations (2011)

Miss Lawton in Downton Abbey (2019)

Have you noticed Susan Lynch in any of her historical costume movie or TV roles?
well “The Secret of Roan Inish” – Okay so she is a seal woman (selkie) in her brief appearance, but she also gets some working clothes that seem pretty authentic to the timeless time. The film has other appropriate to the time, too.
Not a Frock Flick, but she’s in season 4 of Unforgotten, on Masterpiece, playing one of the suspects. She’s very good as a Deputy Chief Constable with a horrible mother.
Oh! Yes! That’s where I recognize her from! It was driving me crazy.
THANK YOU! Same here – I know her from somewhere! (Shout out to Unforgotten – such a great show, but no frocks.)
On the comment about modern audiences not getting that 75% of women are named Mary.
When I explain who is who pre-tudor, tudor and post-tudor to my mother (she always gets everyone, except Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, confused) I have to draw charts because of all the Marys, Katherines, Annes and Elizabeths.
As a huge fan of 16th-c. history, I’m always amused / annoyed at how TV/movies feel they have to change the names so modern audiences aren’t confused!
I’ve never understood the confusion, they were known as the 4 Marys, they were 4 different women with the same name………this is not difficult!
Isn’t John Lynch her brother?
YES! Can we have a Man Candy Monday on John Lynch?
This is why in Reign, Mary’s four attendants were given those well-known 16th century names of Greer, Lola, Kenna and Aylee.
Oh God! Don’t remind me! I could never understand why they didn’t rename Mary, Cher!
you’re joking?
(you’re not joking, are you?)
She’s totally not joking!
She’d make an amazing 14th Doctor. Just sayin’
I hadn’t thought of that! You’re right. I want the next Doctor to be a woman and to be a less traditionally pretty one. Lynch would do bery well with her strong, expressive face.
Agreed! Although my heart’s desire is Kathy Burke for the next doctor.
I love Susan Lynch, she has such a handsome, interesting face, and that hair! There are two roles she was born to play. Jane Morris (if they ever do a biopic) and when I read The Essex Serpent, I always imagined her from the description of Cora. I think Keira Knightley is playing her in the movie, which I’m not mad about, but a younger Susan Lynch would have been perfection.
PS. You didn’t mention The Secret of Roan Inish, set in the 1940s.
I might have to give ‘From Hell’ a watch… Elizabeth Stride such a fascinating woman although I have a feeling her role will very small. I do cringe a little at the “whore” label though. No need to insult her in death when she suffered enough in life!
It’s not period, but my favorite role of hers is in Waking Ned Devine. “If it weren’t for the pigs, I’d marry you tomorrow.” “I’ve been using fruity soaps, Maggie!”