5 thoughts on “WCW: Shirley MacLaine

  1. I think the second photo from Joan of Arc shows a hair style much more 1390’s than 1420’s.

  2. Of her Frock Flick roles I’ve only seen her in Downton Abbey. I hated that her character was a stereotypical loud, gauche, American. British TV shows simply cannot do American characters–their actors can’t do the accents (b/c the ones that can are working here in the States) and their writers do not understand anything about Americans and only write stereotypes. Downton Abbey was no different. (Cora’s character was a rare exception to the stereotype.) Anyway, Shirley McLaine is a great actress and I wish she would’ve had a better role in that otherwise awesome TV show.

    1. But there was that sublime moment of her singing “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” to a slightly sozzled Maggie Smith.

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