5 thoughts on “WCW: Diana Quick

  1. She’s so brilliant as Julia in Brideshead, that first photo of her with the cloche hat is chef’s kiss perfection!

  2. I love that she wasn’t a pretty Marian Halcombe. Casting agents/directors can’t quite bring themselves to cast a plain/unconventional looking woman, even though it is very clear how she looks in the novel.

  3. I never understood why Clarissa is a fave among frock flickers. The main gal is kind of drippy and fatalistic, and the film just reinforces the old fashioned mentality that a woman loses her value when violated.

    On the other hand, the Catherine Cookson movies (e.g., Rag Nymph) are hilariously bad. Recommend for comedic value alone.

  4. I loved her for “The Duelists” which was one of the most influential movies of my youth. It’s the atmosphere, the landscape, camps, streets and Diana Quick as Laura is a very interesting and deep character. She’s excellent in “Aristoctrats” too.

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