14 thoughts on “Trailers: A Plethora! Edition

  1. A gritty War Drama about a woman on the front lines? I’m looking forward to watching it! The lack of hair pins/beachy waves is forgivable at least! Lee Miller was a former fashion model!

  2. Wow- The Buccaneers looks dreadful!! Why is the fact that people in the 19th century did act differently from instagram influencers hard for screenwriters and other producers to understand (or believe?)

  3. I’m not sure that I would call Mother Cabrini one of the greatest entrepreneurs in the traditional sense of the word. She was one of the founders of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The hospitals and missions that she founded were part of her work as a nun.

  4. The Buccaneers trailer looks so bad, like the cringiest cross between Bridgerton and Reign. The costumes don’t even look that interesting, as opposed to the older version of the Buccaneers. Hard pass.

    Book of Clarence has the standard Biblical beige/orientalist/Gladiator cliches in the costuming (I swear, do all costume designers just go on autopilot when designing for this period?), but the story looks fun, at least.

    I am VERY excited for the new Gilded Age season. It looks like just the lavish soapy escapism with jaw-droppingly detailed costumes that I need. I cannot wait!!

  5. I think both Priscilla and Three Little Birds are looking excellent so far. The Priscilla trailer was fantastic.

  6. I was looking forward to the buccaneers, but after that trailer it’s a miss. I can’t believe that a book that is trying to follow real life examples of the heiresses can bu turned into a romantic novel. It’s only redeeming grace is that it looks like the Duchess of Trevenick marries in a necklace that her sister got married in, in the earlier version (the one her mother gives her that she later pawns).

  7. Yes the description of Cabrini is a real head scratcher. They must be allergic to the word nun.

  8. I share Ms. Renaud’s interest in THE GILDED AGE (Having enjoyed the first season I’m hoping the second is as good or even better); one also has hopes for NAPOLEON (Partly due to Ms. Vanessa Kirby and partly because one spotted the Duke of Wellington bearing a suspicious resemblance to Mr Rupert Everett).

    I also have a vague interest in THE BOOK OF CLARENCE, for no reason I can divine.

  9. Laughing Cavalier has a new review of the Napoleon, trailer. It’s thorough, detailed, and quite funny.

    1. I will have to check that out later.

      I have serious reservations about the film, which I’ve stated on here before. The more I see, the less I’m interested.

      And the lines we’ve heard from the script? “I am the most important thing in the world!” A paid screenwriter wrote that?

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