7 thoughts on “Top 5 Frock Flicks for Hats

  1. Kingdom, aka medieval Korean zombies, has excellent hat game, setting and costumes look great in general and the hats are key.

  2. Great post! I have no idea if they’re accurate or not, but I always think of Mina’s and Dracula’s hats in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. (As one of my all-time favorites, I never really need a reason to think of that movie, but since you asked us to think about hats…)

  3. The Draughtsman’s Contract
    My Fair Lady
    Barry Lyndon

    and for the best derpy bonnets
    Little Dorrit (1987)… good top hats too

  4. Death in Venice is the only answer for me. I’ve never seen a film MORE comprehensively upstaged by its millinery. Beautiful looking film, but every time a hat came onto screen, it was like Dirk Bogarde et al were bundled off screen in a hurricane of feathers, flowers and stabby hatpins, and the hats just virtually went “LOOK AT US, LOOK AT OUR MAGNIFICOLUGUENCE, WE ARE THE STARS HERE.”

    To be fair, I was kinda bored by the film itself, but every time a hat swanned onto the screen and started chewing the scenery simply through sheer power of gorgeous existence, it suddenly got interesting.

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