Today we feature the brilliant Judy Parfitt for her historical film and television roles!...
Pride and Prejudice (1980)
Watch enough historical costume movies and TV shows, and you notice a lot of...
Because someone seems to think Lydia Bennet, supporting character of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice...
This is an occasional series highlighting historical movie and TV costumes that best represent...
Who looks all the more handsome for having £10,000 a year? Who detests dancing...
Oh, Mr. Wickham, you are a card-carrying member of “Why are the baddies always...
I can’t believe we haven’t done a Woman Candy Wednesday featuring EVERYONE’s favorite (historical)...
I’m finally getting around to reviewing this TV miniseries, which is long overdue, given...
Okay, realize that this review comes from having watched the 1995 PandP Over and...