Here are all the upcoming historical costume movies and TV shows for winter and...
Charles Dickens
Snark Week is over. Sob. To help us all transition back to the daily...
Over 50 years ago, the beloved British science-fiction/fantasy TV show Doctor Who started out...
BBC miniseries of the classic Dickens tale, with Timothy Spall as Fagin. Great production:...
Roman Polanski’s feature version of the Dickens story was definitely entertaining, although Polanski dropped...
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. See the BBC miniseries instead. Weird pseudo-Victorian costuming, especially on Anne Hathaway as...
This BBC miniseries is WAY better than the recent feature film. Another dark Dickens...
Certainly way better than the modernized Gwyneth Paltrow version! Set in the 1860s, Justine...